Welcome Vetdiet

VetDiet is the newest brand to be joining the Ren's family, and we could not be more excited! But what is it about this super-premium that has us so excited? VetDiet carries dry food, wet food, and treats for both cats and dogs of all breeds and life stages. Each food type is carefully formulated and balanced to target the energy and nutrient needs of your pet based on nutritional science.

Choosing the best food for your pet can be a hard task, but if you follow these three key steps you will feel confident in your decision. Sept one, know your pet's life stage. There are three life stages a pet goes through, puppy/kitten, adult, and senior. A puppy and kitten grow like weeds and the energy output is enormous. They require a higher caloric intake then that of a stationary senior dog. The next step is to know their breed size. It is important to always take into account the size of your dog as a chihuahua is going to need less food than a husky. The final step is to take note of your pet’s lifestyle. Some pets are far more energetic and active than others. For example some dogs require two-three hours of exercise per day while others are fine with just 30 minutes. This is also where you should note if your pet is over or underweight based so that you can plan their meals accordingly.

To help make this process easier, every package of VetDiet food has very detailed feeding guidelines to help pet parents meet their individual pet’s needs. Vetdiet’s goal is to help pets maintain a healthy body weight for lifelong pet health. That is why Vetdiet formulate’s their food following strict standards developed for them, which is based on the most current scientific research. The basis of all of their nutrition is high-quality natural ingredients. They start with the freshest nutrient-rich whole ingredients. When they must use processed ingredients, they source those which are minimally processed.

Check out VetDiet’s full line below!


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